Pantoro has a portfolio of regional exploration targets located near the Nicolsons Project, approximately 45 km southwest of Halls Creek in Western Australia. The regional exploration targets represent extenstional expansion opportunities close to the Nicolsons project infrastructure. Initial exploration undertaken at a number of these regional targets has produced encouraging results.
Exciting near mine exploration potential

Edison is characterised by a coincident magnetic and gold in soil anomaly approximately 400 metres long, striking north east. Drilling has returned significant gold, platinum group element (PGE) and nickel values in the basal portion of the Lamboo igneous complex. The Kimberley Region is known to host economically significant nickel (Savannah Nickel Mine) and PGE (Panton Sill) projects.
Paddock Well
Paddock Well is located 1.5 km east of the Nicolsons processing plant. Paddock well is a quartz sulphide Au-Ag-Pb-Zn lode system similar in nature to mineralisation seen in some lodes mined underground at Nicolsons. Pantoro drilled the prospect during 2016-17 following up on historical shallow drilling of the quartz outcrop at the top of the prospect. Pantoro has completed an additional drilling program during 2018 comprising 12 diamond holes and 2 RC holes during 2018. Following the recent program, mineralisation is now defined over 200 metres of strike to a depth of approximately 100 metres below surface.
The Hyena prospect is located 1.5 km north on the Nicolsons trend on the granted mining lease M80/355. Hyena has been the subject of historic exploration work including a small amount of drilling of N-S and NW-SE striking vein sets of similar orientation to those seen at the Nicolsons mine. The existing drilling is by RC methods only, and was restricted to shallow depths of 40 metres. A short nine hole drilling program was recently completed with a number of anomalous results returned including 0.5 m @ 4.47 g/t from a diamond drill hole. Further work will be planned once data is reviewed in conjunction with other results from the Nicolsons project targets.
Western Reef
Western Reef is Located on M80/362, 400 m to the NNW of the Rowdies deposit and 800 m south of the Nicolsons Gold Plant. Western Reef was mined by Rewah in 2001 as a trial pit, selectively mining the quartz veins over a strike length of approximately 100 m, to a depth of several metres. Unverified historical records indicate that 1,362 tonnes @ 9.37 g/t Au was mined, using a top cut of 20 g/t. The pit was backfilled following mining. First pass shallow RC drilling returned encouraging results, with follow up drilling confirming the continuity of mineralisation over approximately 200 m along strike of the historic pit including.